Isaac Scientific Publishing

Journal of Advances in Education Research

Successful transition to adulthood: Do we really need to teach shopping, sex and social skills?

Download PDF (314.1 KB) PP. 32 - 40 Pub. Date: November 8, 2016

DOI: 10.22606/jaer.2016.11004


  • Jane Finn*
    Division of Education and Special Education, Hope College, Holland, Michigan, United States
  • Vicki-Lynn Holmes
    Division of Mathematics, Hope College, Holland, Michigan, United States
  • Elizabeth Horton
    Division of Education and Special Education, Hope College, Holland, Michigan, United States


Living independently is an envisioned post-school outcome for many individuals with disabilities. One roadblock for this outcome for individuals with intellectual disabilities is insufficient self-determination or autonomy skills. The purpose of this study was to determine which autonomy skill (i.e., Self & Family Care, Self-management, Recreation, and Social & Vocational skills) was the greatest predictor of successful independent living as measured on the Transition Planning Inventory- 2 (Clark & Patton, 2006) with individuals with moderate intellectual disabilities. Results show that Self & Family Care is the greatest predictor of successful independent living. Based on these findings, families and schools should address Self & Family Care curriculum and best practices in order to enable individuals with moderate intellectual disabilities to develop skills necessary for independent living.


Intellectual disabilities, independent living skills, post-school transition.


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