Isaac Scientific Publishing

Journal of Advances in Education Research

Research on Online Education in the Midst of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Download PDF (237.8 KB) PP. 77 - 80 Pub. Date: May 2, 2020

DOI: 10.22606/jaer.2020.52005


  • Huang Yabin*
    Humanities and Social Sciences College, Heilongjiang Bayi Agricultural University, Daqing, Heilongjiang, 163319, China


Face-to-face education is affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, so most face-to-face education and training institutions in China have suspended their courses. In order to strengthen the prevention and control of the new pneumonia and reduce the impact of the pandemic on the normal teaching, many teachers make full use of the network platform, WeChat, QQ and other ways, actively carry out online teaching, independent learning and online counseling, and other teaching activities. How to minimize the impact of the pandemic on students’ learning is an very important question that every educator thinks about carefully. Meanwhile, online education has an unexpected opportunity. This paper analyzes the advantages, limitations, teaching strategies and development of online education in order to break through the limitations of online education to enhance the value of online courses, and provide guidance for optimizing teaching content and improve teaching effect.


the COVID-19 pandemic, online learning, online education


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