Isaac Scientific Publishing

Psychology Research and Applications

Replacing Happiness with Meaning An Interview Structure for Formulating Life’s Meaning

Download PDF (247.9 KB) PP. 41 - 46 Pub. Date: June 28, 2019

DOI: 10.22606/pra.2019.12002


  • Tami Yaguri*
    The Academic College of Society and the Arts, Netanya, Israel


Meaning in life, purpose in life, happiness, pleasure, optimal experience, well-being, existential meaning, self-identity, worldview.


Meaningful life is tightly connected with psychological well-being (Frankl, 2014; Stegera, Oishib & Kashdanc, 2009). Meaningfulness is present in strong connections with self, others and the world (Debats, Drost & Hansen, 1995). Formulating meaning in one’s life is an art. The “art of meaning” is an approach of focusing and formulating meaning in dialogical exchange, with a semistructured interview, developed to draw out meaning in a person's life (Yaguri, 2018). Meaning appears at the overlap of self-identity and worldview. Through dialogue with an interviewee, a mutually satisfying formulation emerges. Once formulated, it contributes to clarity of thought, and sketches a line connecting fundamental life decisions.


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