Isaac Scientific Publishing

Modern Civil and Structural Engineering

Frost Resistance of Concrete with Different Strength Grades and Mineral Admixtures

Download PDF (581.2 KB) PP. 1 - 9 Pub. Date: January 1, 2018

DOI: 10.22606/mcse.2018.21001


  • Kefeng Tan
    Department of the Materials Science School at the South West University of Science and Technology, Mianyang City, Sichuan Province, PRC
  • John M. Nichols*
    Department of Construction Science, College of Architecture, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, 77840, USA


This research investigated the effect of water to cement ratio and mineral admixtures on the frost resistance of concrete. The test method used is based on the ASTM Standard C666 Standard Test Method for Resistance of Concrete to Rapid Freezing and Thawing. Ten mix designs were used for the experimental testing. The test results show that the frost resistance of concrete increases as the water to cement ratio decreases. Actually, for low water to cement ratio or high strength concrete, the frost resistance is excellent even without adding air-entraining agent. For the medium or high water to cement ratio concrete however, incorporating an air-entraining agent is necessary to improve their frost resistance. Incorporation of silica fume improves the frost resistance of concrete, whilst adding fly ash into concrete makes the frost resistance worse. The objective of the research is to determine if a zero air-entrained concrete is durable to freeze thaw cycles.


Concrete; frost resistance; w/c ratio; mineral admixture; air entraining agent.


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