Isaac Scientific Publishing

Theoretical Physics

Electrodynamics in Uniformly Rotating Frames the Central Observer Point of View

Download PDF (375.3 KB) PP. 177 - 187 Pub. Date: December 1, 2017

DOI: 10.22606/tp.2017.24004


  • A. Sfarti*
    CS Dept, 387 Soda Hall, UC Berkeley


In the current paper we present a generalization of the transforms of the electromagnetic field from the frame co-moving with a rotating observer aligned with the axis of rotation into an inertial frame of reference. The solution is of great interest for real time applications, because earthbound laboratories are inertial only in approximation. We conclude by deriving the general form of the relativistic Doppler effect and of the relativistic aberration formulas for the case of uniformly rotating frames.


Uniform rotation motion, general coordinate transformations, accelerated particles, planar electromagnetic waves, relativistic Doppler effect, relativistic aberration


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