Isaac Scientific Publishing

Advances in Astrophysics

Anomalies in Pendulum Behaviour Observed During Conjunctions Mercury/Sun on 11 November 2006, 14 July 2009, and 17 November 2015

Download PDF (2580.7 KB) PP. 22 - 35 Pub. Date: May 1, 2016

DOI: 10.22606/adap.2016.11002


  • Dimitrie Olenici*
    Astronomical Observatory Department, Stefan cel Mare University, Suceava, Romania


During the Mercury transit on 11 November 2006, the inferior conjunction of Mercury on 14 July 2009, and the occultation of Mercury on 17 November 2015, a series of experiments were carried out to check for anomalous pendulum behaviour. The results confirm the appearance of anomalous variations in the speed of precession of the plane of oscillation of the pendulum (the so-called Allais effect), anomalous variations of the period of oscillation of the pendulum (the so called Jeverdan-Rusu-Antonescu effect), anomalous variations of the proportion between the major and minor semi axes of the ellipse of oscillation of the pendulum, and anomalies in the chirality of revolution of the pendulum around its ellipse of oscillation.


Paraconical, pendulum, syzygy, eclipse, conjunction, opposition, torsind, Allais, effect, precession.


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[9] Internet: NASA–SKYCAL Sky Events Calculator; Calsky: Astronomical and Space Calendar; Cybersky.