Isaac Scientific Publishing

Advances in Astrophysics

Kantowski-Sachs Two Fluid Radiating Cosmological Model in Brans-Dicke Theory of Gravitation

Download PDF (317.3 KB) PP. 62 - 71 Pub. Date: May 1, 2016

DOI: 10.22606/adap.2016.11006


  • V.U.M.Rao*
    Department of Applied Mathematics, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, India
  • G. Suryanarayana
    Department of Applied Mathematics, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, India
  • Y.Aditya
    Department of Applied Mathematics, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, India


Spatially homogeneous Kantowski-Sachs cosmological model filled with barotropic fluid and dark energy is obtained in a scalar tensor theory of gravitation proposed by Brans and Dicke (1961). We consider both cases when the dark energy is minimally coupled to barotropic fluid as well as directly interacts with it. In these two cases the EoS parameter of dark energy is in good agreement with the observational data. Also some important features of the models, thus obtained, have been discussed.


Kantowski-Sachs metric, Brans-Dicke theory, Two-fluids, Dark energy, EoS Parameter


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