Isaac Scientific Publishing

Advances in Astrophysics

Non-Linear Stability in the Photogravitational Elliptic Restricted Three Body Problem with Poynting-Robertson Drag

Download PDF (546.3 KB) PP. 138 - 160 Pub. Date: November 1, 2016

DOI: 10.22606/adap.2016.13002


  • Vivek Kumar Mishra*
    University Department of Mathematics, B.R.A. Bihar University Muzaffarpur-842001
  • Bhola Ishwar
    University Department of Mathematics, B.R.A. Bihar University Muzaffarpur-842001


We examined the non-linear stability of triangular equilibrium points in the photogravitational elliptic restricted three body problem with Poynting-Robertson drag. In this problem, the bigger primary is taken as radiating and smaller primary is assumed to be an oblate spheroid. We performed normalization of Hamiltonian of our problem. Using Whittaker (1965) method we have found that the second order part H2 of the Hamiltonian is transformed into the normal form. We have found normalized Hamiltonian up to fourth order. To find the condition of non-linear stability, we have used KAM theorem. We have found three critical mass ratios. We came to conclusion that triangular equilibrium points are stable in the non-linear sense except at three critical mass ratios at which KAM theorem fails.


Non-linear stability, triangular equilibrium points, photogravitational, ERTBP, oblateness, P-R drag.


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