Isaac Scientific Publishing

Advances in Astrophysics

The Universe as a Resonant Cavity: a Small Step Towards Unification of MoND and MiHsC

Download PDF (389.2 KB) PP. 9 - 11 Pub. Date: February 1, 2017

DOI: 10.22606/adap.2017.21002


  • Keith A. Pickering*
    10085 County Road 24, Watertown, MN 55388 United States


The physics of hot, dense plasma implies that there was a time shortly after the Big Bang when the universe was a perfectly conductive and opaque medium. Therefore, looking deep into space and time, our universe can be considered to be surrounded by a perfectly conductive shell of that plasma, and is therefore a resonant cavity. This insight allows computation of a new value for Θ, the longest allowable wavelength in the universe, which is somewhat higher than previously accepted. The new value of Θ = 3.4125H0 resolves about half of the difference between the predictions of MoND and MiHsC for the minimum possible acceleration in the universe, and about 35% of the difference in galactic rotational velocity.


MoND, MiHsC, resonant cavities


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