Isaac Scientific Publishing

Advances in Astrophysics

Halo Orbits at Sun-Mars L1, L2 in the Photogravitational Restricted Three-Body Problem with Oblateness

Download PDF (2814.1 KB) PP. 35 - 51 Pub. Date: February 1, 2017

DOI: 10.22606/adap.2017.21005


  • Nishanth Pushparaj
    Junior Reserach Fellow, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Karunya University, Coimbatore, India
  • Ram Krishan Sharma
    Professor, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Karunya University, Coimbatore, India


Photogravitational Restricted Three-Body Problem (PRTBP) with smaller primary being an oblate spheroid with its equatorial plane coincident with the plane of motion of the primaries is considered and halo orbits in the vicinity of Sun-Mars Lagrangian points L1 and L2 are computed numerically. The effects of perturbations on size, shape, location and time period of the halo orbits are studied. It is found that the increase in solar radiation pressure at constant oblateness elongates the halo orbits at L1 and the orbits move towards the radiating body. At L2, the halo orbits shrink and move towards the smaller primary with increase in solar radiation pressure at constant oblateness. For constant radiation pressure, increase in oblateness causes the location of L1 and L2 halo orbits to move away from the smaller primary. The time period of L1 halo orbits increases with increase in radiation pressure for constant oblateness and decreases with increase in oblateness for constant radiation pressure. However, the effect of solar radiation pressure and oblateness for L2 halo orbits is reversed.


Photogravitational restricted three-body problem, lagrangian points, halo orbits, time period, oblateness, solar radiation pressure.


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