Isaac Scientific Publishing

Advances in Astrophysics

Application of the Non-Local Physics in the Theory of the Matter Movement in Black Holes

Download PDF (668.6 KB) PP. 99 - 135 Pub. Date: August 1, 2018

DOI: 10.22606/adap.2018.33001


  • Boris V. Alexeev*
    Physics Department, Moscow Technological University, Moscow, Russia


The theory of the matter movement in black holes (BH) in the frame of non – local quantum hydrodynamics (NLQHD) is considered. The theory corresponds to the limit case when the matter density tends to infinity when the theory of General Relativity is not applicable in principle. From calculations follow that NLQHD equations for the black holes have the solutions limited in space. The domain of the solution existence is limited by the event horizon where gravity tends to infinity. It was shown: 1) internal perturbations in BH lead to the appearance of the packets of the gravitational waves. 2) The width of the wave packet is inversely proportional to the magnitude of internal energy. 3) Increasing of the internal energy leads to the transformation of the mode of antigravity into the attraction regime. 4) A strong mutual influence of the gravitational, antigravitational and electromagnetic fields exists. The velocity of gravitational waves is more than the speed of light. The numerical calculations of the Cauchy problem are delivered.


Black Holes, transport processes in Black Holes, velocity of gravitational waves, microscopic and macroscopic Black Holes, explosive maximon instability, transformations of gravitation and anti-gravitation regimes


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