Isaac Scientific Publishing

Advances in Astrophysics

Functions and Relations for a Relativistic Evolving Star with Spherical Symmetry

Download PDF (262.1 KB) PP. 37 - 42 Pub. Date: May 2, 2020

DOI: 10.22606/adap.2020.52001


  • Ying-Qiu Gu*
    School of Mathematical Science, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China


In this paper, we derive and simplify some important equations and relations for a relativistic evolving star with spherical symmetry, and then give some simple analysis for their properties and implications. In the light-cone coordinate system, these equations and relations have a normal and neat form which is much more accessible than the usual Einstein field equation. The dynamics for the evolving star is reduced to a standard first order hyperbolic partial differential equation system of (ρ, v), which can be analyzed and solved by characteristic method. So they may be helpful to understand the nature of an evolving star and the collapsing process of gravitation.


stellar structure, stellar evolution, Einstein’s field equation, relativistic evolving equation, singularity.


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