Isaac Scientific Publishing

Advances in Astrophysics

The Radiation-Dominated Universe in Nonstandard Cosmology

Download PDF (173.3 KB) PP. 95 - 108 Pub. Date: November 2, 2020

DOI: 10.22606/adap.2020.54003


  • Günter Scharf*
    Physics Institute, University of Zürich, Winterthurerstr. 190 , CH-8057 Zürich, Switzerland


We continue the recent study of our model theory of low-density cosmology without dark matter. We assume a purely radiative spherically symmetric background and treat matter as anisotropic perturbations. Einstein’s equations for the background are solved numerically. We find two irregular singular points, one is the Big Bang and the other a Big Crunch. The radiation temperature continues to decrease for another 0.21 Hubble times and then starts to increase towards infinity. Then we derive the four evolution equations for the anisotropic perturbations. In the Regge-Wheeler gauge there are three metric perturbations and a radial velocity perturbation. The solution of these equations allow a detailed discussion of the cosmic evolution of the model universe under study.




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