Isaac Scientific Publishing

Advances in Astrophysics

Fundamental Principles and Results of a New Astronomic Theory of Climate Change

Download PDF (724.5 KB) PP. 1 - 21 Pub. Date: May 1, 2016

DOI: 10.22606/adap.2016.11001


  • Joseph J. Smulsky*
    Institute of Earth’s Cryosphere, Malygina Str. 86, PO Box 1230, Tyumen, 625000, Russia


In light of the latest research developments, this paper describes the fundamental principles of the astronomic theory of climate change. It comprises three problems: the evolution of the orbital motion, the evolution of the Earth’s rotational motion and the evolution of the insolation controlled by the evolutions of those motions. All the problems have been solved in a new way and other methods. The paper demonstrates geometric parameters of the Earth’s insolation by the Sun, and explains a new insolation theory. Its results are identical to the results of the previous theory. The equations of orbital movement are established, is told about their solution and the results for the different periods of time are submitted. These results improve the results of the previous theories: the planets’ and the Moon’s orbits are stable and the Solar system is stable. In much the same way, the problem of the Earth’s rotation is described. Unlike the previous papers, this problem is solved here without simplification. The calculations demonstrate significant oscillation of the Earth’s axis. These results were confirmed with other three independent solutions of the Earth’s rotation problem. The oscillations of the Earth’s axis result in such oscillations of insolation that explain the paleoclimate changes. The material in this paper is presented in a format intelligible for a broad audience.


Evolution, Earth’s orbit, rotational axes, insolation, cause, climate, change.


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